Project McUltra
Course: Experience Design
Goal: This project explores the use of a steampunk themed user interface that is composed of both digital and physical controls. Guest must look at monitor and see data about the system. System should consist of at least two sub-systems.
Pitch: An unnamed fast food corporation is performing top secret experiments to control the population through their favorite snack: chicken nuggets. As a scientist on Project McUltra, it’s your job to experiment with the newest mind-altering substances on the market. How will you change the world?
Team: Daryl Choa (Producer + Artist + fX Designer), Weizheng Lee (Programmer), Liam Philiben (Sound Designer), and Monica Toren (Environment Art + UI Designer).
Responsibilities: 2D art assets, particle systems, game design, and documentation.
Platform: Steampunk kiosk with Phidgets and touchscreen.