public speaking

Why I Run: Running From vs. Running To

Over the summer, I was invited to talk at The Story Collider by my friend Ari Daniel, who hosts the local chapter in Boston. For those of you unfamiliar with The Story Collider, think of it as the science version of The Moth. And if you haven’t heard of The Moth, just think of live storytelling.

Speakers are invited to share a story on stage, in front of an audience, that has some sort of resemblance to science. While I would like to believe that I was selected for my charming stage presence, I think it was more guilt that I was leaving the city. And what a wonderful parting present it was.

I worked with the fantastic storytellers Ari Daniel and Katie Wu, who produce local shows in their free time, on top of both working as science journalists at NOVA. They guided me through my journey to select and curate a story. Through the process, I learned more about myself than I thought I would.

I spoke about being lost in my early twenties and using running as a crutch to feel accomplishment. I spoke about my transformation into an adultier adult and excitement about the unknown. You might be wondering, “how is this related to science?” Well it’s not! I don’t know why they let me do this talk! But it was a great way to sum up my time in Boston and get ready for the next chapter of my life.

As I am currently training for my 5th (6th?) half marathon and gaining more confidence and clarity about my career, I thought it’d be appropriate to share my journey here.

So please enjoy and feel free to use the beautiful picture of my face below as reference for how I talk with my hands.

Talk at Story Collider Boston: Molting
Daryl Choa
How I talk with my hands at The Oberon in Cambridge, MA.

How I talk with my hands at The Oberon in Cambridge, MA.